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The Icon Awards
Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 9.31.06 PM
The Icon Awards
The Icon Awards
The Icon Awards

Michael DePasquale jr, Grandmaster Ron Van Clief and Dr. Robert Goldman at Action On Film Festival 2017

Screen shot 2017-12-10 at 8.21.13 PM
Robert Goldman & Michael DePasqual j

Dr. Robert Goldman and Michael DePasquale jr producers of the Michael De Pasquale jr's Icon Awards and Dr. Robert Goldman's Legendary Stunt Awards

AOF 2017 MDP Icons Michael on RC
AOF 2017 MDP Icons
AOF 2017 MDP Icons Duke

     Five years ago the legendary Michael DePasquale jr offered up and idea to created THE ICON AWARDS, we put the event under Michael's name to insure that we always respected him as part of the event and he has been a juggernaut in making sure that Icons that he brings are the real deal.

      Join us now with your own Icon as each year; we will now be choosing one Icon from our very own ranks.

Any project containing a person that you believe to be an Icon.  Michael will review that person along with the Megafest team 2010 to 2017 is qualified for this category. In addition, a reduced entrance fee is paid by entering our Icon Division (even if the entry is a short, a scene or a feature film). Previously submitted films, sequences, and scenes are eligible for this category as well. Submissions in this category will NOT affect eligibility in other categories for nominations and/or awards of Action On Film or Hollywood Dreamz.

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