Harold's latest writing venture is a conspiracy thriller techno series, "Deadly Invisible Enemies." To date, three novels in the D.I.E. series have been published-"Deadly Invisible Enemies: Evil in the Air," "Deadly Invisible Enemies: Hunt for Evil," and "Deadly Invisible Enemies: Evil Resurrection." His "Deadly Invisible Enemies Miniseries Teleplay is the 2017 Action on Film Most Likely to Be Produced Award winner.
In 2017, Harold was named one of the "Top 100 Indie Writers in the World," in a multimedia book published by Del Weston and Theresa Weston on iTunes January 2017. He was nominated for the 2017 Austin Revolution Film Festival "Randall Greenland Screenwriter of the Year Award" and is a "2015 Writer of the Year Award," nominee-Action on Film International Film Festival.
Story has always been a part of who Harold Lea Brown is-it is in his blood. He believes story is life well told. In his teens, he told story through music when he played in a rock band. Later he told story through award winning poetry and used story as a way of communicating corporate history and vision as a chief business strategist. He has also published award winning technical articles in information management. His family roots are Norwegian and Finnish, where story is core to passing on history to future generations.
While holding down corporate executive positions, he studied fiction and non-fiction writing, screenwriting, acting, television and film production, taking on opportunities to be on the set of television and movie shoots-all to learn alternative mediums of storytelling. He has appeared as an extra or actor in more than fifteen Canadian, U.S. and international co-productions, commercials, industrial films, made-for-television movies and series, and feature films. He has studied the producer side of the film and television business, and received the Gerri Cook Memorial Award for the Most Promising Producer; and is a producer of television, feature and new media projects
In addition to the Deadly Invisible Enemies series novels, he has written more than eight award-winning feature length screenplays, teleplays, miniseries and web series, spanning the drama, thriller, crime/mystery, action/adventure, western and comedy genres. His writing has been recognized by more than fifty film festivals and writing competitions in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Spain, the U.K., Sweden, the Netherlands and Australia, with IMDBPro awards and honors for his writing totaling forty-six wins and an additional twenty-two nominations.
Some of the festivals include the Action on Film International Film Festival, Barcelona International Film Festival, Harlem International Film Festival New York City, Beverly Hills International Film Festival, Catalina Film Festival, Williamsburg International Film Festival, The Indy Gathering International Film Festival, Alaska Film Festival, Las Vegas Film Festival, Austin Film Festival, Mexico International Film Festival, Honolulu Film Awards, Yosemite International Film Festival, International Independent Film Awards, Bare Bones International Film and Music Festival, Oaxaca International Film Festival, Canada International Film Festival, Northern Virginia International Film and Music Festival and the Toronto WILDsound Festival.
2012 Gold Kahuna Award winner for best screenplay, Devil's Valley Justice at the Honolulu Film Awards.
Has received the 2013 Runner Up Award for Best Script for "Destiny of Tar and Feathers" at the Action on Film International Film Festival. Screenplays considered by the Festival were from around the world, including.Canada, Australia, England, Africa, Thailand, Germany, Sweden, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, Spain, and the U.S.
Has broken his left wrist and is on a mission to become the one of the fastest one handed writers in North America. An advocate for those who are challenged daily, now his temporary challenge has given new meaning and opportunity to the things technology can do to help others. [September 2013]
Harold released his first novel in the Deadly Invisible Enemy Thriller Series - Deadly Invisible Enemies: Evil in the Air under the name Harold Lea Brown. [September 2014]
Harold L. Brown is also known as Harold Lea Brown.