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The Show Is Over But It Doesn't Have To End Get Your AOF Merch - Hats, T-shirts, Duplicate and R

2017 was a groundbreaking year for the AOF and for hundreds and hundreds of filmmakers and thousands of fans. That said, the memories still go on. Get your Official AOF Hats, AOF T-Shirts, Duplicate Awards and Runner Up Awards at the AOF Store. Proudly announce to the world that you are an AOFer and that you are a part of one of the largest film festival events on the globe. If you didn't attend the show but won an award, simply order the shipping for the award and it will be sent to you. All of our photos for 2017 are available on our Del 'AOF' Weston page on Facebook and we are loading them up on this site as well, so look for some of the twenty thousand photos that were taken at the 13 Day Event.

Click the 'Shop' Button on the navigation bar at the top of the page and order away!

Thank you, The AOF and Hollywood Dreamz Team!

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