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Got Questions About The Chinese Film Market? Meet Mr. Buting Yang!

Of course you have questions! The China film market is exploding and tickets are selling there faster and bigger than in anywhere else in the world. Because of this, The Action On Film Festival XIII has decided to engage with one of the Top Names in Chinese Cinema Production, Financing and of course Distribution. Buting Yang, -sponsored by the amazing Beryl Huang of Bruber Media- will be attending Action On Film 2017 where he will do two amazing seminars, meet with interested AOFers and of course Receive the Action On Film Living Legends Award for 2017.

Here is some information on Mr. Yang.

Mr. Buting Yang is the Chairman at China Main Stream Media National Film Capital Hollywood Group Inc. He is also the Chairman at China Film Production International. Mr. Yang is the Chairman at China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association and Supervisor China Film Foundation. Prior to this, he was the President and the Chairman at China Film Group Corporation. Yang Buting is the current chairman of the CFDEA and China Film Overseas Promotional Corporation, as well as chairman of the China Mainstream Media National Film Capital Hollywood Inc. Previously, Yang held a series of positions including chairman of the China Film Group, deputy director general of the China Film Bureau, and director of the China Film Science and Technology Research Institute. He was responsible for the development of China’s first digital ticketing system and CFG’s digital production base.

Please be in attendance at the AOF 13th Annual Black Tie Dinner and Award Show on Saturday August 26, 2017 at the Palms Hotel when Mr. Yang will receive his Living Legends Award.

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