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The International Sports Hall of Fame Returns to Partner With Action On Film 2017's Legendary St

The great Dr. Robert Goldman -the producer of the A4m Conferences and the owner of the International Sports Hall of Fame- returns to the Action On Film 2017 International Film Festival to host The Legendary Stunt Awards. Dr. Goldman along with Master Michael De Pasquale jr will host both the 2nd Annual Icon Awards at the 2017 show and the Legendary Stunt Awards which will be held at the beautiful Palms Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada as part of the 13th Annual Action On Film Festivals, August 17-27, 2017. A panel of celebrity and working stunt professionals which include Tazito Garcia, TJ Storm, John Kreng, Bob Bralver, Antony Szeto, Spice Williams-Crosby, Melissa Tracey, Shaun Piccinino, Don The Dragon Wilson, Cynthia Rothrock, Rick Avery and Art Camacho among other guests judges will be on hand to present Awards to the Winners and meet their fans to discuss and honor some of the greatest Stunts of the past year in film, television, web and live shows.

As the Executive Director of the long running Action On Film Festivals, I can not wait to showcase the talents of some of the biggest stunt coordinators, actors, actress and professionals in the industry.

For more information on the show, visit

Photos of Dr. Robert Goldman from his 2017 ISHOF event are posted with this article.

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